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Evening for Excellence

-Under the Western Sky-

Evening for Excellence has been a tradition at St. Clare for many years and is the largest fundraiser of the year. The monies raised by this event support our ministries and outreach programs and contribute to our operating expenses. 



How can you be involved?

There are many ways you can help make the event a success. Below are just a few of the ways you are able to give your time, talent or treasure. 


Gift Gathering Parties

Gift Gathering Parties are a great way to meet other St. Clare parishioners and families in an informal social setting while supporting the church Guests are encouraged to bring items to be auctioned off at the Evening for Excellence. We hope you will join us! Attending a gift gathering party and not sure what to bring? Click here for our wish list.



The success of the Evening for Excellence relies on the incredible support of our dedicated volunteers. We warmly invite you to contribute your time and skills to help us make this event a triumph for St. Clare. In addition to the help we’ll need on the night of the event, there are several ways you can assist us before the big day:

Donation Pickup: Assist with collecting donations from generous contributors. 

 Follow-Up Calls: Help us reach out to donors and provide updates.

Email Outreach: Support us in sending thank-you notes and reminders.

Event Set Up: Help set up the tables, chairs and booths for the event.

Every bit of support, whether big or small, makes a meaningful difference. If you’re interested in volunteering, prior to the night of, please sign up here or contact us at saintclare.efe@gmail.com. Your involvement is greatly appreciated and crucial to the success of our event. 

To volunteer the night of the event, please click here.  





Our sponsorship program is a very important way to support the Evening for Excellence. Sponsorships help defray the cost of having such a beautiful evening, which in turn increases the event proceeds.  The Evening for Excellence is the perfect opportunity for your business to advertise your products and services to the St. Clare Community.  Sponsorships range from $300 to $10,000. The success of this event is dependent upon the support and leadership of area businesses and individuals.  Please select the sponsorship tab on the right to secure your sponsorship today.


Table Host/Hostess 

Please help us spread the word about The Evening for Excellence.  Consider being a table host/hostess.  Table host/hostesses invite four couples to sit at their table for dinner.  The host/hostess do NOT pay for the guests’ tickets, they help encourage friends, family and other parishioners to attend the event and make them feel welcome. Help us sell out this fun filled evening.


Event Information

This fun filled Western themed evening begins at 6:00 p.m. in the parish center.  Enjoy a drink as you catch up with old friends, make your bids on our many silent auction items, purchase your raffle tickets and split the pot tickets and participate in the games. Dinner begins at 7:15 

For your convenience parking is available behind the Parish Center


Thank you to Our Sponsors!